It is a set of criteria to ensure integrity conducts and practices to the members of a profession. According to the RAE "it is the part of ethics that deals with the duties of a certain profession".
For this reason we understand that all security companies and private security personnel accept the same duties as they are integrated within the same profession, and it is in Law 5/2014, of April 4, on Private Security and the Real Decree 2364/1994, of December 9, which approves the Private Security Regulations, where various articles include the guiding principles and actions of private security companies and personnel.
Already in its article 1, the Law says "This law is intended to regulate the realization and provision...." where "regulate" has the meaning of regulating or putting something in order for all the personnel and companies that make up the private security family.The first of the guiding principles contained in the Law is compliance with the Constitution.Regarding the principles of action included in Article 30 of the aforementioned Law and the rest of the legal system.
a) Legality.b) Integrity.c) Dignity in the exercise of their functions.d) Correctness in dealing with citizens.e) Congruence.f) Proportionality.g) Professional reserve.h) Collaboration with security forces and bodies.
Principle of Legality
Private security personnel made up of security guards and their specialty of explosive guards, private escorts, rural guards and their specialties of hunting and maritime guards, security chiefs, security directors and private detectives, They will carry out their functions subject to the basic regulations governing private security and the Constitution.
Basic regulatory regulations
● Organic Law 4/2015, of March 30, for the protection of citizen security (BOE no. 77, of March 31)● Law 5/2014, of April 4, on Private Security (BOE no. 83, of April 5)● Law 13/1996, of December 30, on Fiscal, Administrative and Social Order Measures -article 44- (BOE no. 315, of December 31).● Royal Decree 2364/1994, of December 9, approving the Private Security Regulations (BOE no. 8, of January 10)● Order INT/1504/2013, of July 30, which modifies Order INT/314/2011, of February 1, on private security companies, Order INT/316/2011, of February 1, on the operation of alarm systems in the field of private security, Order INT/317/2011, of February 1, on private security measures, and which establishes the enforceability rules of UNE or UNE-Standards EN in the field of private security (BOE no. 188, of August 7● Order INT/314/2011, of February 1, on private security companies (BOE no. 42, of February 18● Order PRE/2914/2009, of October 30, which develops the provisions of Royal Decree 1628/2009, of October 30, which modifies certain precepts of the Private Security Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 2364/1994 , of December 9, and the Weapons Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 137/1993, of January 29 (BOE no. 264, of November 2)● Resolution of November 16, 1998, of the Secretary of State for Security, approving the official models of the Record Books established in the Private Security Regulations (BOE no. 295, of December 10)

Principle of Integrity
Acting with honesty, honesty, justice and respect, rejecting illegal proposals and carrying out work with professional ethics.
Principle of dignity in the exercise of their functions
The quality of asserting yourself as a person by behaving, responsibility, seriousness and respect towards yourself and others.
Principle of correctness in dealing with citizens
Treating citizens as we would like to be treated, avoiding inappropriate treatment, abuse, injustice, illegality, etc.
Principle of congruence
Applying security and investigative measures that are proportionate and appropriate to the risks and carrying out the work based on the actions that we manifest.
Principle of proportionality
This is the maximum degree of force that can be used to obtain a lawful objective in relation to the work carried out in private security and therefore knowing when force should be stopped in order not to use disproportionate means or techniques.
Professional reserve principle
Private security personnel will be prohibited from communicating to third parties, except to the judicial and police authorities for the exercise of their respective functions, any information that they know in the development of their services and functions about their clients or people related to them, as well as about the assets and effects of whose security or investigation they were in charge and of the personal data that must be processed or guarded.
Principle of collaboration with the security forces and bodies
Taking into account the subordinate and complementary nature of private security with respect to public security, private security personnel will be obliged to assist and collaborate especially with the Security Forces and Corps, to provide them with the information that is necessary for the exercise of their duties. functions, and to follow their instructions in relation to the private security service they are providing.
Principle of rights of our staff
● Right to equality and non-discrimination for reasons of race, sex, religion, opinion or any other condition or circumstance● Right to safety and health at work● Right to conciliation in work and family life● Right to personal integrity and dignity..
Barcelona, December 20th, 2021